Fluke establishes a microsite resource to support data centre personnel

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  Posted by: electrical-poster      4th October 2017

To support the smooth running of data centres, Fluke has developed a web microsite specifically targeting those running and maintaining the infrastructure.

The site provides a range of downloadable information for data centre facility managers, contractor services managers, electrical engineers and UPS, HVAC, mechanical and electrical technicians.

Easy contact is made possible with an expert from Fluke who will be able to advise on the best Fluke tool to solve a problem. More information can be found at www.fluke.co.uk/datacenters.

The microsite offers downloadable content, including:

‘Data Center Solutions’ – showing a plan of a data centre and suggesting checks that should be made and suitable Fluke tools for carrying out those tasks;

‘Six essential tests to keep your UPS system running’ – describing the regular testing of individual battery cells as well as the UPS system as a whole;

‘Monitoring temperature, humidity and airflow in data centres’ – a US-based application article describing the use of a thermal imager and an airflow meter to monitor the true ambient conditions;

‘Detecting electrical unbalance and overloads’ – describing the use of a thermal imager, power quality and other electrical test tools to monitor and resolve issues.