HGV apprenticeship gives single dad fresh start

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  Posted by: electime      8th February 2022

Nationwide Platforms, the UK’s leading provider of powered access machines for hire, invested in 40 HGV apprentices at the end of 2021 following the national shortage of drivers affecting businesses across the country.

AH – Unsworth Sugden – Nationwide Platforms – 23.09.21-069 – HGV apprentice Cleveland McGory (rhs) learning the ropes at Nationwide Platforms

To celebrate National Apprenticeship Week 2022, single-dad Cleveland McGory, who was successful in securing a place on the scheme which attracted 2,500 applicants, talks about his new beginning with Nationwide Platforms.

The 27 year old previously drove a 3.5 tonne van for a wholesale food distribution company and was keen to upgrade his skill base and secure his HGV licence, whilst still having secure employment and a regular income.

He’s now working on a yearlong HGV Class 1 apprenticeship through which he’ll not only gain a HGV licence, but will also learn how to load, unload and operate the company’s powered access machines that it delivers to clients all over the country.

Two months in, Cleveland has fully immersed himself in the role with the help of his mentor, Luke.

“The whole team are helpful and willing to lend a hand whenever you need, but it’s been great having a specific mentor to guide me.

“The job is everything I hoped for – I’m able to care for my son whilst still having secure employment and a regular income. My mum has been amazing at assisting with childcare around school times, but it’s such a relief to have that certainty of when I’ll be home and provide that level of stability for my son.”

James Clarke, Head of Haulage for Nationwide Platforms said, “It’s fitting that the theme for apprenticeship week this year is Build the Future, as we’ve always viewed apprentices as the best way to secure talent for the future. Through our apprenticeship drive in 2021, we’ve been fortunate to take on 40 committed HGV apprentices who are doing excellent work already, and are looking into increasing that number in 2022.”

“As well as great rates of pay, Monday to Friday working hours and an employer that is wholly committed to promoting a diverse and inclusive workforce and raising the profile of these vital jobs, we can provide our staff with the high-quality training and a long and successful career.”

Alongside its employee investment, Nationwide Platforms has also been investing in new machines for hire as well as its delivery and training services. With higher capacity models, improved safety features and either fully electric or hybrid engines, the investment ensures the company’s portfolio of machines for hire continues to be best in class.

For more information about careers available with Nationwide Platforms visit https://www.nationwideplatforms.co.uk/en-gb/about-us/careers.