Thinking about an electrical apprenticeship? Tips from the top – Tip 4
Posted by: electime 10th February 2022
To support National Apprenticeship Week, Electrical Times hears from senior directors at the specialist, multi-discipline engineering solutions business, BGEN. All former electrical apprentices, they share their advice on making it in the electrical world for those people thinking about making a career in the sector.
Name: Vinnie Edge
Job title: International & Strategic Business Director
Qualified as an electrician via the apprenticeship route: 2001
What to do once qualified?
“Always look to the future and treat every day as a learning day.
“Once qualified it is important to gain experience by continuing to learn your trade, embracing further training and deciding if you want to progress via higher education.
“In my experience, the apprenticeship route combined with support from BGEN offered a good foundation for progressing my career. Once qualified I completed further education courses including a higher national certificate and honours degree.”