Vent-Axia’s standard range retires at 60

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  Posted by: electime      31st January 2019

Launched in 1958, Vent-Axia’s iconic Standard Range has spanned the decades and can be seen in a wide range of locations including many high-profile and listed buildings, such as the Houses of Parliament. Proving to be a faithful fan, with no significant design changes from inception to today, at the age of 60 it has earned its retirement and is set to be discontinued over the next two years.

Being such a design classic, the decision to discontinue production of the Standard Range has not been taken lightly by Vent-Axia. To help minimise disruption for customers, the British fan manufacturer has ensured it has enough components to secure production of this faithful fan for another 12-24 months.

To further assist customers, as a trusted brand Vent-Axia will also continue to support the Standard Range with useful spares, such as motors, impellors and electrical connectors. This means current installations can be kept functioning while using the existing housing, keeping the visible parts of the fan the same, which will be particularly useful for listed buildings.

For new installations or complete replacements there are several alternatives to the Standard Range including the popular T-Series which was launched in in 1986 and was originally intended as a replacement for the Standard Range. Since then the two ranges have co-existed side-by-side for 30 years. The trusted T-Series can, in many cases, directly replace the Standard Range with only a small amount of modification. The T-Series also has the added advantage of an extended 5-year-warranty, giving peace of mind for the future.

“All good things must come to an end. The Standard Range has proved enduring in both its design and popularity over the decades but now it’s time for it to retire having well and truly done its duty!” said Richard Paine, Product and Marketing Director at Vent-Axia. “We apologise for any inconvenience the discontinuation of the Standard Range may cause and are happy to advise customers who would like assistance on selecting other alternative products. Where the external shell of the Standard Range needs to remain, we will continue to provide spares, otherwise the T-Series is an excellent replacement and is itself a design classic that is both durable and reliable”

Known for its robustness and quality, Vent-Axia’s Lo-Carbon T-Series Fan offers the widest range on the market, with both Lo-Carbon and traditional models. The T-Series range has 6, 7, 9 and 12 inch options, and includes wall, window, roof, panel, inline and Darkroom variants, as well as variable fixings to help with different window and wall thicknesses, offering installation flexibility.

The efficient and reliable T-series fan meets ERP regulations and uses low energy DC motors which improve performance, lower running costs and carbon emissions while providing rugged reliability. This type of motor is central to the T-Series which offers up to 70 per cent energy saving over traditional commercial extract/supply fans and the DC motor lasts twice as long as conventional motors.

The T-Series features a patented electronic shutter system that ensures quiet, trouble free operation and minimises unwanted cold back draughts. Sensors and auto mode controllers save yet more energy by only switching the ventilation units on when needed and when the room is occupied, minimising energy wastage. A unique patented speed control pack provides low, medium or boost speed, matching fan performance to the requirements of the installation and can be pre-set to suit room size or required duty. T-Series controllers offer a choice of speeds, reversible airflow direction and automatic sensor operation. The Shutter can also be set to open with the fan motor switched off to provide natural ventilation without the security risk of an open window. To optimise performance, the Vent-Axia Ecotronic controller gives even greater running economy with its minimum speed setting and ‘E’ mode.

Even though it’s time to say goodbye to the Standard Range, as the UK’s leading ventilation company Vent-Axia will ensure that there is a ventilation solution available for customers’ requirements both now and in the future.

For further information on all products and services offered by Vent-Axia, visit or telephone 0844 856 0590.